Friday, February 24, 2012

new life mantra

be silly.
be honest. 
be kind.

I believe that these three things are the beginnings of good things that follow.

Silliness is, for me, an action of vulnerability.  It's showing a part of myself that I don't necessarily share with everyone.  Don't get me wrong - I love jokes, I love banter, I love laughing; but my truest silliness is beyond little quips and knock-knock jokes.  I speak in strange accents.  I tell stories in lively ways.  I dance around (I can't really dance, thus, silly).  I sing.  It's not for everyone.  But I do need to remind myself that silliness is good, and laughing is better, and smiling is one of my favorite things that I've recently re-discovered.

(Would you believe that for a time, smiling was as foreign to me as the Great Wall of China?  Smiles felt strange and disconnected on my face.  I'm so happy that time is over.  In fact, I'm pretty happy.:)

Honesty is almost a given in anything.  There will be little to no success in a relationship if you aren't honest.  It starts with you and goes outwards, with every relationship.  I also believe that, though sometimes "the truth hurts," it can always be delivered gently and carefully.

Kindness is one of my favorite things, ever.  I believe everyone deserves kindness, even the person who hurt you, even the person who has messed up his life, even the person who has hurt others.  I strive to be kind every day, to everyone.

If I could add anything to this list, it'd be regarding respect.  It's so important.  I really value respect these days - it's a rough lesson to realize you don't have it.


heading home this afternoon for my first visit in a really long time, and I'm excited.  happy weekend :)


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

mardi gras.

happy mardi gras, y'all!

Today marks the last day before the Lenten season begins.  I'm pretty excited about Lent this year because I'll be joining up with others from Baton Rouge to do work in our community and meet in small groups to encourage our own growth in the Lord and spirituality.  I don't think I'll be able to make the first meeting, though, and that's pretty bummy :(

Will you be giving anything up for Lent?  Or adding anything in to your day-to-day life to encourage your faith? I'd love to hear.  :)

Below are pictures from this weekend where I visited New Orleans for Mardi Gras for the first time in my life.  We stuck to tame parades and I had a total blast.  SO much fun.  You should definitely go next year :)

Matt & I at the piano bar in Pat O'Brien's - my new favorite thing
note:  hurricanes are both delicious and dizzying; cannot wait to have another 

Maroon 5 in Endymion on Saturday evening.  So cold.  So rainy.  SO fun. 

Matt and I waiting for Maroon 5 to go by, and laughing at Ellen being crazy with the camera 

Ellen and I after Endymion, showing off our goodies.  Yes, that is a light-up sword.  

My pretty beads from Endymion :)  (here I'm choosing which ones to wear for Sunday's parade-tastic day, including Bacchus!)


Me and Allison!  I literally only saw her for five minutes.  But aren't these pictures just gorgeous??  I love them. 

Will Ferrell as the King of Bacchus!  So much awesome.  

Have a wonderful Fat Tuesday, friends.  Enjoy the things you'll be giving up while you can!  :)  


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

peeks into my life.

Here are some totally random pictures of things in my life that are important to me.  Hopefully this will help you, mystery reader, learn a little more about me.

 the LSU Golden Band from Tigerland performing Pregame, my very, very favorite.

me and Chase, one of my first friends at LSU, in our gowns on graduation day 

Stephanie, me and Lauren, in our pledge whites for sigma phi lambda - this seriously makes my heart happy. 

me and Natalie, one of my small group ladies at the Wesley, and a seriously awesome person, at Chimes for our birthdays last December 

a ransom note from Mary and Ellen to Krysten, whom they'd trapped in my laundry room 

me and Ellen playing at the water fountains in Shreveport at the beginning of last summer 

Matt and I at an LSU football game last fall - the home opener :) 

Allison and I on our last night of being actives of sigma alpha iota 

one of the most beautiful cloud formations I have ever seen 

the Bright House, where I lived in Shreveport last summer, and I want to say Ellen is looking for something 

Ali, Eric, Mike, Rachel, Kelsey, me and Emily - the original class of 2007 freshmen at the Wesley, all ready to graduate in 2011  (we're missing May and Beth here, who also started with us in 2007)

me, Ellen and Mary Hannah on one of the most fun afternoons of my life 

my dad playing with my second-cousin Domenico - this moment made me pumped to have children, just so I can watch my dad play with them.  (not so pumped that I took immediate action, btw)

Hogsmeade in Harry Potter world 

my very, very favorite color pink 

me and Ellie while she was being crazay at my grandparents' house in 2010 

valentine's day flowers :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


so because of this website... 

from I want to write thank-you notes to everyone and everything.  Here's one of today's (I wrote 10 thank-you notes before lunch):

Dear 8/88, 12/88, 7/90 and 10/90,
Thank you for providing a perfect timeline for me and my three best girlfriends to be born into, in Illinois, California, Oklahoma and Louisiana (I think).  A lot has happened since y'all were around.  Thank you for being the start of something beautiful.
love, kelli


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

proverbs 4:23

Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.

For about two weeks, the first thing I did in the mornings was read Proverbs 3.  Not long after that, I began reading 4.  And now, without knowing this, one of my very best friends reminded me to read this verse in a moment of need.

I don't believe in coincidences, so I absolutely believe that I was being reminded of this simple truth from the Lord.  I spent all of yesterday with my mind in la-la land, and it ended with a situation last night that was a direct link.  Of course this is what happened.  This makes perfect sense to me.

So, today I'm spending my time sorting things out in my head.  I'm immediately feeling better.  This is a step in the right direction, but it's nowhere near perfect.  My thoughts should, instead, be on the Lord and glorifying Him in all I do.  It's one of the core beliefs I have - do everything for the Lord, even brushing your teeth, and it glorifies Him.  It's all about your intent and where your heart and mind are.

God, take these frets from me and show me what life's all about.  Forgive me for not giving my all to You first and foremost, and give me the strength and discipline to do so every single morning.  It's the least I can do.  Help me to see love and know love and give and share that love... Help me remember that You are the light by which I can see or do anything else in my life.  You deserve utmost thanks and praise.  Please accept this tiny offering of me.



Tuesday, February 7, 2012

nothing changes.

sigma alpha iota crawfish boil - April 2010 - Dad, Kelli & Matt

Some things have been happening in my life that have made me nervous these past few days.  Nervous about change, whatever kind of change it is, is like a trademark of Kelli.  (maybe I should copyright it?)  And as I recently discovered about myself, it's hard for me to be excited about things if I don't know/understand the details.  Well, the details are becoming clearer, and it turns out that I'm pretty darn excited.  A few things still need to be settled, but everything is looking pretty good.  Pretty darn good.  :)

But the point of all this is to say that my nerves and fear are stemming from previous aches where I know the Lord is and has been working on me.  I have every reason to trust Him.  I know that He hears me every single time I call out to Him.  And nothing about who I am that I've figured out these last seven months changes, either.  I don't have to be anyone different, not at all.  I'm perfectly fine just the way I am.  I can go home for the weekend, to my cousin's for birthday cake and ice cream, to lunch with my small group ladies, to the Bridge with HPC, and it will be more than accepted.  There's no obligations.  It is what it is.. and what it is is quite lovely.  :)

Feeling happier every day.


Monday, February 6, 2012

quick little prayer

my glorious and heavenly Father,

please don't leave my side.  new beginnings are great, and though they mark the ends of things, let my focus be on enjoyment.  let me see the good.  let me see the beautiful instead of focusing on details (You and I both know how much I love details, and how beautiful I think they are, but help me learn how to not let them always be my focus).

thank You for such a pretty day today.  all the rain last week was so necessary, and I'm so grateful for it, but today is simply lovely, and I'm really happy for it.  thank You for all the opportunities I have in front of me.  please help me choose to use my time, my passion, my heart wisely.  and help me develop an overarching, great Passion for You.

I can't wait to open my Bible and read more about You today.  thank You for the ability, freedom and chance to do just that.

let me be joyful in You always; let my fears be nothing compared to Your Greatness.

in Your presence,

one of my favorite prayers I recite almost every day . . .

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you, wherever He may send you.
May He guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm.
May He bring you home rejoicing at the wonders He has shown you.
May He bring you home rejoicing once again into our doors.